2006 Hess
Toy Truck and Helicopter
This year's toy truck features a large white and green
tractor with flashing headlights, a flatbed trailer equipped with
sequencing landing lights, and a fully-functioning, battery-powered
helicopter with operating rotors and rear stabilizers. In addition, this
truck features chrome detailing with red free-rolling wheels,
push-button activation for flashers and 31 working lights on the tractor
trailer - the most ever. Also includes two rotor modes and folding
blades for the helicopter as well as batteries. Unique to this model
year is the fact that Hess misspelled the word 'helicopter' on the box.
The large print 'HELICOPTER' is spelled correctly in red; in the small
black print Hess misspelled it 'HELICOPTOR'. If you ever find a box with
the correct spelling, let me know and I'll buy it from you.
Original Price: $21.99
with 1,600,00 made in China. Condition: MIMB