Mr. Jamaica.

Mrs. Jamaica.

Bad hair day.

A cactus 'tree'.

Survivor Island?

More flowers of Jamaica below.

Jamaican flowers slide show. Click below to view!
Modem Connections>
As mentioned previously, carving is an
important tradition here on the island, and here are two trunks at the
resort carved
into the likeness of the locals (the man and woman are carved on the
same trunk back-to-back).
Cactus grow pretty large here as well. Let's just say that you know
you're not in Kansas anymore when the 3-foot cactus you'd buy at the
local plant outlet is found instead growing as a tree!

Massage anyone?

Sure, I'll take one!!

Native flora.

More native flora.
Although our stay was nice, it was not
without its challenges. First up was the $138 phone call to the states
to check email. The $3 per minute cost to direct dial the U.S. to either
talk (or in my case to connect a laptop) was not listed on the phone nor
on the card in the room that details phone charges. Needless to say it
was a shock and the matter is not as yet resolved.
Second: the sewage problem. They jack-hammered off and on for six days; at times we thought we might possibly be in NYC (okay, the
temperature gave it away).
Third: the leaking ceiling panels and resulting odor in the hallway outside the room.
Fourth: the weather. Out of 9 full days, we had 2 days sporting any
amount of sun at all. 3 more days of rain, rain, rain. The balance was
very overcast and cool. Not exactly the weather we were hoping for.
Fifth: inability to cash a check
or get change for a $20 bill at the
front desk.
given the challenges, it's tough to know
exactly which reason the resort sent us the fruit assortment you see
with a card indicating their regret for the 'inconvenience'. |

We're sorry . . .

All too common weather.

Rough surf.

3 days of rain . . .

. . . takes its toll.
To hear what
we heard (for 6 days) click on the workman! |

Blue sky; just in time for our departure!

Desperate for sun.
Well, that's our
trip in a nutshell. Out of 9 full days, 3 were rainy, 4 were gloomily overcast
and only 2 were partly cloudy/sunny. And it's not even the rainy season.
Some tourists were bathing in the sun at the airport, so desperate they
were following the weather we had.
So while we certainly had our share of fun, between the weather and the
unique challenges of this particular Marriott resort, in some respects
we were glad to be going home. |
So after a 12 hour odyssey we
made it home to good old American cookin' and all of the conveniences we
are so fortunate to enjoy in America.
Too much jerk chicken & pork, ox tails
& curried goat takes its
toll :-) .
We'll miss the friendly people as much as anything, particulary folks
like Sonny the Carver and the kind gents that sold Rick his 7' giraffe for
a ridiculous rainy day price.
Now if next time we could only do something about that weather . . .


We're off!

What a trip it was getting this home!!

He's happy to be in America.